Institut für Angewandte Physik

Nichtlineare Systeme und Strukturbildung (NSPF) - Magnetismus - Materialwissenschaften - Angewandte Physik

Nichtlineare Systeme und Strukturbildung (NSPF) - Magnetismus - Materialwissenschaften - Angewandte Physik

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Liste der Veröffentlichungen über Strukturbildung in dissipativen Systemen und über neuronale Netzwerke

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen mit Bezug zu Reaktions-Diffusions-Systemen


  1. Special Purpose Computer for Nonlinear Differential Equations
    Radehaus, C., M. Waldowski, K. Kardell, J. Berkemeier, M. Wiesemann, H.-G. Purwins
    Comput. Phys. Commun. 36, 345 - 350 (1985)
  2. Pattern Formation on a Nonlinear Periodic Electrical Network
    Berkemeier, J., T. Dirksmeyer, G. Klempt, H.-G. Purwins
    Z. Phys. B 65, 255 - 258 (1986)
  3. Pattern Formation in S-Shaped Negative Differential Conductivity Material
    Radehaus, C., K. Kardell, H. Baumann, D. Jäger, H.-G. Purwins
    Z. Phys. B 65, 515 - 525 (1987)
  4. Parallel verarbeiten, Multiprozessorkarten steigern Leistung von Arbeitsplatzrechnern
    Waldowski, M., H.-G. Purwins
    Maschinenmarkt 93 Nr. 24, 106 - 110 (1987)
  5. Pattern Formation in Gas -Discharge Systems with High Impedance Electrodes
    Radehaus, C., T. Dirksmeyer, H. Willebrand, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 125, 92-94 (1987)
  6. Properties of Solitary Current Filaments in Silicon Pin Diodes
    Baumann, H., R. Symanczyk, C. Radehaus, H.-G. Purwins, D. Jäger
    Phys. Lett. A 123, 421 - 424 (1987)
  7. Temporal and Spatial Structures of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
    Purwins, H.-G., G. Klempt, J. Berkemeier
    in: P. Grosse (Ed.), Festkörperprobleme 27, 27-61 Vieweg 1987
  8. Experimental Investigation of Spatial Pattern Formation in Physical Systems of Activator Inhibitor Type
    Purwins,H.-G., C. Radehaus, J. Berkemeier
    Z. Naturforsch. 43a, 17 - 29 (1988)
  9. Pattern Formation on Analogue Parallel Networks
    Purwins, H.-G., C. Radehaus
    in: H. Haken (Ed.), "Neural and Synergetic Computers"
    Springer Series in Synergetics 42, 137-154 Springer 1988
  10. Stable Multifilament Structures in Semiconductor Materials Based on a Kinetic Model
    Kardell, K., C. Radehaus, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Appl. Phys. 64, 6336 - 6338 (1988)
  11. Application of the Activator Inhibitor Principle to Physical Systems
    Purwins, H.-G., C. Radehaus, T. Dirksmeyer, R. Dohmen, R. Schmeling, H. Willebrand
    Phys. Lett. A 136, 480 - 484 (1989)
  12. Observation of Solitary Filaments and Spatially Periodic Patterns in a DC Gas -Discharge System
    Willebrand, H., C. Radehaus, F.-J. Niedernostheide, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 149, 131 - 138 (1990)
  13. Experiments on the Formation of Stationary Spatial Structures on a Network of Coupled Electrical Oscillators
    Dirksmeyer, T., R. Schmeling, J. Berkemeier, H.-G. Purwins
    in: D. Walgraef, and N. M. Ghoniem (Eds.), "Patterns, Defects and Materials Instabilities", Nato ASI Series E: Applied Sciences 183, 91 - 107 Kluwer 1990
  14. Ein Konstruktionsalgorithmus für Mustererkennungssysteme
    Cruse, C., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    in: Physik und Informatik - Informatik und Physik, Arbeitsgespräch
    München, 21./22.Nov. 1991, Proc. (Eds.: D. Krönig, M. Lang) 66-70 Springer 1991
  15. Spatio-Temporal Oscillations During Filament Splitting in Gas-Discharge Systems
    Willebrand, H., F.-J. Niedernostheide, E. Ammelt, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 153, 437-445 (1991)
  16. Experimental Observation of Simultaneously Existing Moving and Standing Patterns in a Gas-Discharge System
    Willebrand, H., K. Matthiessen, F.-J. Niedernostheide, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    Contrib. Plasma Phys. 31, 57-68 (1991)
  17. Spatially Periodic Patterns in a DC Gas -Discharge System
    Radehaus, C., H. Willebrand, R. Dohmen, F.-J. Niedernostheide, G. Bengel, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. A 45, 2546 - 2557 (1992)
  18. Pattern Formation in Nonlinear Physical Systems with Characteristic Electric Properties
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., R. Dohmen, H. Willebrand, H.-J. Schulze, H.-G. Purwins
    in: "Nonlinearity with Disorder" F. Abdullaev, A. R. Bishop, S. Pnevmatikos (Eds.)
    Springer Proc. Phys. 67, 282-309 Springer 1992
  19. Periodically Self-Excited Moving Striations in a Low-Temperature Gas Plasma
    Ammelt, E., H. Willebrand, H.-G. Purwins
    Contrib. Plasma Phys. 32, 3-14 (1992)
  20. Spontaneous Appearance of Rocking Localized Current Filaments in a Nonequilibrium Distributive System
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., B.S. Kerner, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 7559-7570 (1992)
  21. Periodic and Turbulent Behavior of Solitary Structures in Distributed Active Media
    Willebrand, H., T. Hünteler, F.-J. Niedernostheide, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. A 45, 8766-8775 (1992)
  22. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Patterns in pnpn Semiconductor Devices
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., M. Arps, R. Dohmen, H. Willebrand, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 172, 249-266 (1992)
  23. Stationary and Dynamic Patterns of Current Density in Gas -Discharge Systems
    Willebrand, H., F.-J. Niedernostheide, R. Dohmen, H.-G. Purwins
    in: L. Rensing (Ed.), "Oscillations and Morphogenesis", 81-109, Marcel Dekker, 1993
  24. Analytical Approach to Stationary Wall Solutions in Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Systems
    Dohmen, R., F.-J. Niedernostheide, H. Willebrand, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 176, 207-212 (1993)
  25. Transition from Pulsating to Rocking Localized Structures in Nonlinear Dissipative Distributive Media with Global Inhibition
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., R. Dohmen, H. Willebrand, B. S. Kerner, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 69, 425-435 (1993)
  26. Experimental and Numerical Observation of Quasiparticle like Structures in a Distributed Dissipative System
    Willebrand, H., M. Or-Guil, M. Schilke, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 177, 220-224 (1993)
  27. Fronts between Hopf- and Turing-Type Domains in a Two-Component Reaction-Diffusion System
    Heidemann, G., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 177, 225-230 (1993)
  28. Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation in a Lateral High-Frequency Glow Discharge System
    Ammelt, E., D. Schweng, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 179, 348-354 (1993)
  29. Speed Properties of a Semiconductor-Discharge Gap IR Image Converter Studied with a Streak Camera System
    Astrov,Yu., L.M. Portsel, S.P. Teperick, H. Willebrand, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Appl. Phys. 74, 2159-2166 (1993)
  30. Periodic and Irregular Spatio-Temporal Behaviour of Current Density Filaments in Si p+-n+-p-n- Diodes
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., M. Kreimer, H.-J. Schulze, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 180, 113-118 (1993)
  31. Parallel Hardware Implementation of Kohonen´s Algorithm with an Active Medium
    Ruwisch, D, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Neural Networks 6, 1147-1157 (1993)
  32. Measurement of the Transition from Uni- to Bi-Directional Front Propagation in a Reaction Diffusion System
    Bode, M., A. Reuter, R. Schmeling, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 185, 70-76 (1994)
  33. Spatiotemporal Behaviour of Localized Current Filaments in p-n-p-n Diodes: Numerical Calculations and Comparison with Experimental Results
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., M. Ardes, M. Or-Guil, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. B 49, 7370-7384 (1994)
  34. Synergetic Kohonen-Hardware Based on a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Medium
    Ruwisch, D., P. Schütz, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    in: F. G. Böbel, and T. Wagner (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Appl. Synergetic and Synergetic Engineering (ICASSE), Erlangen, 27-32 (1994)
  35. Travelling Current Density Filaments in Multilayered Silicon Devices
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., M. Kreimer, B. Kukuk, H.-J. Schulze, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 191, 285-290 (1994)
  36. Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Verhalten von Stromdichtefilamenten in einem Halbleiterbauelement
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., H.-G. Purwins
    in: H. Bremer, S. Habermeier, and S. Wladarsch (Eds.), "Chaos und Strukturbildung", 119-135, Faktum -Technische Universität München 1994
  37. Excitation of Wave Patterns in an Infrared-Visible Converter
    Willebrand, H., Yu.A. Astrov, L. Portsel, T. Gauselmann, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27, 2354-2362 (1994)
  38. Dynamics of Current Filaments Studied in Two Exemplary Systems: DC Si p-n-p-n Devices and AC ZnS:Mn Films
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., C. Goßen, H.-G. Purwins
    in: V. Kuvshihnov, G. Krylov (Eds.), Advances in Synergetics 2, Belarusian State Univ. Press, Minsk 1994
  39. Parallel Kohonen Hardware with Low Connectivity Based on Active Media
    Ruwisch, D., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    in: M. Marinaro, P. G. Morasso (Eds.), Proc. Int. Conf. "Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)", Sorrento 1994, 1335-1338 Springer 1994
  40. Spatially and Temporally Resolved IR-Image Detection with a Semiconductor- Gas-Discharge Device
    Willebrand, H., Yu.A. Astrov, L. Portsel, S. Teperick, T. Gauselmann, H.-G. Purwins
    in: Infrared Technology XX, Björn F. Andresen (Ed.), Proceedings SPIE 2269, 688-697, San Diego 1994
  41. Bifurcations of Front Dynamics in a Reaction-Diffusion System with Spatial Inhomogeneities
    Schütz, P., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 82, 382-397 (1995)
  42. Observation of Current-Density Filamentation in Multilayer Structures by EBIC Measurements
    Wierschem, A., F.-J. Niedernostheide, A. Gorbatyuk, H.-G. Purwins
    Scan. Electron Microsc. 17, 106-116 (1995)
  43. Pattern Formation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems - Dissipative Solitons in Physical Systems
    Bode, M., H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 86, 53-63 (1995)
  44. Pattern Formation of the Electroluminescence in Ac ZnS:Mn Devices
    Goßen, C., F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    in: F.-J. Niedernostheide (Ed.), "Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and Devices" Springer Proc. Phys. 79, 112-132 Springer 1995
  45. On the Influence of Inhomogeneities in a Reaction-Diffusion System
    Kulka, A., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 203, 33-39 (1995)
  46. Pattern Formation in Activator-Inhibitor Systems
    Or-Guil, M., E. Ammelt, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    in: A. Doelman and A. van Harten (eds.) Nonlinear Dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment, Vol. 335, 223-237, 1995
  47. An IR-Visible converter for Spatially and Temporally Resolved IR-Image Detection
    Willebrand, H., Yu.A. Astrov, L. Portsel, S. Teperick, T. Gauselmann, H.-G. Purwins
    Ed.: G. A. Lampropoulos et al., Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Applications of Photonic Technology Toronto, June 1994, Plenum Press New York and London 1995
  48. Oscillations of Fronts and Front Pairs in Two- and Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion Systems
    Woesler, R., P. Schütz, M. Bode, M. Or-Guil, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 91, 376-405 (1996)
  49. Hexagon and Stripe Turing Structures in a Gas Discharge System
    Astrov, Yu.A., E. Ammelt, S. Teperick, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 211, 184-190 (1996)
  50. Frequency locked, quasiperiodic, and chaotic motions of current-density filaments in a semiconductor device
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., C. Brillert, B. Kukuk, H.-G. Purwins, H.-J. Schulze
    Phys. Rev. B 54, 14 012-14 019 (1996)
  51. Pattern Formation in Gas Discharge Systems
    Ammelt, E., Y. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    in: Self-Organization in Activator-Inhibitor-Systems: Semiconductors, Gas-Discharge, and Chemical Active Media, Eds.: H. Engel, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins, and E. Schöll, Wissenschaft & und Technik-Verlag Berlin 22-27 (1996)
  52. Interaction of Laser Radiation and PNPN Semiconductor Devices
    Kukuk, B., F. Reil, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    in: Self-Organization in Activator-Inhibitor-Systems: Semiconductors, Gas-Discharge, and Chemical Active Media, Eds.: H. Engel, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins, E. Schöll, Wissenschaft & und Technik-Verlag Berlin, 62-66 (1996)
  53. Interacting pulses in three-component reaction-diffusion systems on two-dimensional domains
    Schenk, C.P., M. Or-Guil, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3781-3784 (1997)
  54. Dynamical behavior of spots in a nonequilibrium distributive active medium
    Niedernostheide, F.-J., M. Or-Guil, M. Kleinkes, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 55, 4107-4111 (1997)
  55. Glow dynamics in a semiconductor-gas discharge image converter
    Portsel, L., Yu.A. Astrov, I. Reimann, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Appl. Phys. 81, 1077-1086 (1997)
  56. Experimental Evidence for Zigzag Instability of Solitary Stripes in a Gas-Discharge System
    Astrov, Yu.A.., E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3129-3132 (1997)
  57. Stripe Turing Structures in a Two-Dimensional Gas Discharge System
    Ammelt, E., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 55, 6731-6740 (1997)
  58. Interaction of Filaments in an A.C.-Driven Planar Gas Discharge System
    Müller, I., E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Int. Conf. on Phenoma in Ionized Gases ICPIG XXIII
    Toulouse, France, 17.7.-22.7.1997, II-182 - II-183
  59. Pattern Formation and Bifurcations in Electroluminescent ZnS:Mn Films
    Kukuk, B., S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    Acta Technica CSAV 42, 717-722 (1997)
  60. Spot Bifurcations in Three-Component Reaction-Diffusions Systems: The Onset of Propagation
    Or-Guil, M., M. Bode, C.P. Schenk, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E. 57, 6432-6437 (1998)
  61. Zigzag Destabilyzed Spirals and Targets
    Astrov, Yu.A., I. Müller, E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5341-5344 (1998)
  62. Interaction of Self-Organized Quasiparticles in an Two-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion System: The Formation of Molecules
    Schenk, C., P. Schütz, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 57, 6480-6486 (1998)
  63. Hexagon Structures in a Two-Dimensional DC-Driven Gas Discharge System
    Ammelt, E., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E. 58, 7109-7117 (1998)
  64. Formation of Spatio-Temporal Structures in Semiconductors
    Schöll, E., F.-J. Niedernostheide, J. Parisi, W. Prettl, H.-G. Purwins
    in: Evolution of Spontaneous Structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems, Eds.: F.H. Busse, S.C. Müller, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998, 446-494
  65. High Speed Conversion of Infrared Images with a Planar Gas Discharge System
    Portsel, L.M., Yu.A. Astrov, I. Reimann, E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Appl. Phys. 85, 3960-3965 (1999)
  66. Self-Organized Quasiparticles: Breathing Filaments in a Gas Discharge System
    Müller, I., E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3428-3431 (1999)
  67. Self-Organized Filaments in Dielectric Barrier Glow Discharges
    Müller, I., C. Punset, E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins, J.P. Boeuf
    IEEE Plasma Science, Sonderband, 27, 20-21 (1999)
  68. Simulation of Self-Organized Filaments in a Dielectric Barrier Glow Discharge Plasma
    Brauer, I., C. Punset, H.-G. Purwins, J.P. Boeuf
    J. Appl. Phys. 85, 7569-7572 (1999)
  69. Double breakdowns in a pattern forming dielectric barrier discharge system
    Brauer, I., E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Proc. XXIV Intern. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG),
    July 11-16, 1999, Warschau, 141-142
  70. Self-Organized effects and their Origin in ZnS:Mn TFEL Devices
    Vlasenko N.A., Z.L. Denisova, S. Veligura, S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    Proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium "Advanced Display Technologies", October 10-14, 1999, Novy Svit, Crimea, Ukraine (1999)
  71. Quasi-Particles in a Three-Dimensional Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion System
    Schenk, C.P., A.W. Liehr, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    In: E. Krause, W. Jäger (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 1999, Springer, 2000, 354-364
  72. Solitary Current-Density Patterns in Thin ZnS:Mn Films
    Zuccaro, S., F.-J. Niedernostheide, B. Kukuk, M. Strych, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 62, 1284-1289 (2000)
  73. Dynamics of Zigzag Destabilized Solitary Stripes in a DC-Driven Pattern-Forming Semiconductor Gas-Discharge System
    Strümpel, C., Yu.A. Astrov, E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E, 61, 4899-4905 (2000)
  74. Traveling Pairs of Spots in a Periodically Driven Gas Discharge System
    Brauer, I., M. Bode, E. Ammelt, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4101-4107 (2000)
  75. Nonlinear interaction of homogeneously oscillationg domains in a planar gas discharge system
    Strümpel, C., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 62, 4889-4897 (2000)
  76. Energy levels of defects in electroluminescent ZnS:Mn thin films exhibiting hysteresis and self-organized patterns
    Vlasenko N.A., Z.L. Denisova, S. Veligura, S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Cryst. Growth 214/215, 944-949 (2000)
  77. Effect of Insulator Layer Properties in ZnS:Mn AC TFEL Structures on Self-Organized Patterns
    Vlasenko, N.A., Z.L.Denisova, Ya. Kononets, S. Veligura, I. Gumenyuk, S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, and H.-G. Purwins
    Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Dec.2000, Hamamatsu, Japan, p. 85-88 (2000)
  78. Self-Organized Quasiparticles and Other Patterns in Planar Gas-Discharge Systems
    Purwins, H.-G., Yu.A. Astrov, I. Brauer
    Proceedings of the 5th Experimental Chaos Conference, Orlando, Florida 28 June - 1 July 1999
    ed. By M. Ding, W. Ditto, L. Pecora, and M.L. Spano, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 3-13 (2001) (PDF)
  79. The Generation of Dissipative Quasi-Particles near Turing´s Bifurcation in Three-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Systems
    Liehr, A.W., M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Projekt Dynamical Structures in Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion Systems des Höchstleistungsrechenzentrums Stuttgart (HLRS), Springer (2001)
  80. Spatiotemporal filamentary patterns in a dc-driven planar gas discharge system
    Strümpel, C., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 63, 026409-1 - 026409-7(2001)
  81. Plasma Spots in a gas discharge system: birth, scattering and formation of molecules
    Astrov, Yu.A., H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 283, 5-6, pp. 349-54 (2001)
  82. High Speed Switch-On of a Semiconductor Gas Discharge Image Converter Using Optimal Control Methods
    Kim, J.-H.R., H. Maurer, Yu. A. Astrov, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Comp. Phys. 170, pp. 395-414 (2001)
  83. Localized Patterns in Planar Gas-Discharge Systems
    H.-G. Purwins, Yu. Astrov, I. Brauer, M. Bode
    RIMS Conference 28.-31.8.2000, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-8 (2001) (PDF)
  84. Interaction of dissipative Solitons: Particle-Like Behaviour of Localized Structures in a Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion System
    Bode, M., A.W. Liehr, C.P. Schenk, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 161, 45 (2002)
  85. Noise properties of a high-speed semiconductor-gas discharge infrared imager
    Marchenko V.M., S. Matern, H.-G. Purwins, Yu.A. Astrov, L.M. Portsel
    Proceedings of SPIE 4669, 1-12 (2002)
  86. Application of high-speed IR converter in scientific and technological research
    Matern, S., V.M. Marchenko, Yu.A. Astrov, L.M. Portsel, H.-G. Purwins
    Proceedings of SPIE 4669, 13-20 (2002)
  87. Technische Realisierung und Laseranwendungen eines ultraschnellen IR-Bildkonverters
    Matern, S., V.M. Marchenko, Yu.A. Astrov, L.M. Portsel, H.-G. Purwins
    Photonik 3, 84-87 (2002)
  88. High-field transport in AC thin film electroluminescent devices: Theory and experiment
    Raker, T., T. Kuhn, A. Kuligk, N. Fitzer, R. Redmer, S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica B 314, 185-188 (2002)
  89. Multi-oscillatory patterns in a hybrid semiconductor gas discharge system
    Strümpel, C., Yu.A Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys.Rev.Lett. 65, 066210-1 - 066210-5 (2002)
  90. Voronoi Diagrams in Barrier Gas Discharge
    Zanin, A.L., A.W. Liehr, A.S. Moskalenko, H.-G. Purwins
    Applied Physics Letters 81, 3338-3340 (2002)
  91. Temperature Effect on Self-Organized Patterns and Characteristics of Bistable ZnS:Mn Thin-Film Structures
    Vlasenko, N.A., H.-G. Purwins, V.M. Popov, I.A. Gumenyuk, A.S. Klimenko, Y.A.F. Kononets, F.-J. Niedernostheide, L.I. Veligura, S. Zuccaro
    Physica Status Solidi A 194, 237-243 (2002)
  92. Replication of Dissipative Solitons by Many-Particle Interaction
    Liehr, A.W., A.S. Moskalenko, M.C. Röttger, J. Berkemeier, H.-G. Purwins
    In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '02, Krause,E.; Jäger,W. (eds.),pp. 48-61 (2002)
  93. On Role of Temperature in Formation of Self-Organized Patterns in Emission of Bistable ZnS:Mn TFEL Structures
    Vlasenko, N.A., H.-G. Purwins, Y.A.F. Kononets, F.-J. Niedernostheide, L.I. Veligura, S. Zuccaro, I.A. Gumenyuk
    Proc. Of the EL2002, 23.-26.9.2002, Ghent, Belgium, Poster Session II, P117 (2002)
  94. Spatially Inhomogeneous States in the Electroluminescence of bistableThin-Film Structures based on ZnS:Mn
    Vlasenko, N.A., H.-G. Purwins, Y.A.F. Kononets, F.-J. Niedernostheide, L.I. Veligura, S. Zuccaro, I.A. Gumenyuk
    Proc. Of the 1st Ukrainian Scientific Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, 10.-14.9.2002, Odessa, pp.94 (2002)
  95. Spatiotemporal Structures in a Transversely Extended Semiconductor System
    Astrov, Yu.A., H.-G. Purwins
    Technical Physics Letters 28, pp. 910-912 (2002)
  96. Physical processes in thin-film electroluminescent structures based on ZnS:Mn showing self-organized patterns
    Zuccaro S., Th. Raker, F.-J. Niedernostheide, T. Kuhn, H.-G. Purwins
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 17, 231 (2003)
  97. Rotating Waves in a Planar DC-Driven Gas Discharge System with Semi-Insulating GaAs Cathode
    Gurevich, E.L., A.S. Moskalenko, A.L. Zanin, Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    Physics Letters A 307, pp. 299-303 (2003)
  98. Noise-Covered Drift Bifurcation of Dissipative Solitons in a Planar Gas-Discharge System
    Bödeker, H.U., M.C. Röttger, A.W. Liehr, T.D. Frank, R. Friedrich, H.-G. Purwins
    Physical Review E 67, 56220 (2003)
  99. Drift-Bifurcation Detection for Dissipative Solitons
    Liehr, A.W., H.U. Bödeker, M.C. Röttger, T.D. Frank, R. Friedrich, H.-G. Purwins
    New Journal of Physics 5, 89.1 - 89.9 (2003)
  100. Rotational Bifurcation of Localized Dissipative Solitons
    Moskalenko, A.S., A.W. Liehr, H.-G. Purwins
    Europhysics Letters 63, 361 (2003)
  101. Drift Bifurcation of Dissipative Solitons: Destabililisation due to a Change of Shape
    Gurevich, S.V., H.U. Bödeker, A.S. Moskalenko, A.W. Liehr, H.-G. Purwins
    IEEE, International Conference "Physics and Control", Proceedings, 601 (2003)
  102. Control of Spacial Structures in a Semiconductor-Gas-Discharge System with a Semi-Insulating GaAs Cathode
    Gurevich, E.L., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    IEEE, International Conference "Physics and Control", Proceedings, 922 (2003)
  103. Sensitivity Performance of Ultra-Fast IR Imaging Systems on the Basis of a Planar Semiconductor-Gas Discharge IR-to-Visible Converter
    Marchenko, V.M., S. Matern, H.-G. Purwins, Yu.A. Astrov, L.M. Portsel
    Proceedings of SPIE 4948, 98 (2003)
  104. Concentric-Ring Patterns in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge System
    Gurevich, E.L., A.L. Zanin, A.S. Moskalenko, H.-G. Purwins
    Physical Review Letters 91, 154501-1 (2003)
  105. Transition from Stationary to Rotating Bound States of Dissipative Solitons
    Liehr, A.W., A.S. Moskalenko, H.-G. Purwins
    In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '03, Krause,E.; Jäger,W. (eds.),pp 225-234 (2003)
  106. Interactions in large arrays of solitons in photorefractive crystals
    Träger D., A. Strinic, J. Schröder, C. Denz, M. Belic, M. Petrovic, S. Matern, H.-G. Purwins
    J. of Optics A 5, S518 (2003)
  107. The role of surface charges in DC gas-discharge systems with high-ohmic electrodes
    Gurevich, E.L., A.W. Liehr, Sh. Amiranashwili, H.-G. Purwins
    Physical Review E 69, 036211-1 (2004)
  108. Self-organization patterns in electroluminescence of bistable ZnS:Mn thin-film structures
    Vlasenko N.A., H.-G. Purwins, Z.L. Denisova, Ya.F. Kononets, F.-J. Niedernostheide, L.I. Veligura, S. Zuccaro
    Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 7, 82 (2004)
  109. Rotating Bound States of Dissipative Solitons
    Liehr, A.W., A.S. Moskalenko, Yu.A. Astrov, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Eur. J. Phys. B37, 199-204 (2004)
  110. Measuring the Interaction Law of Dissipative Solitons
    Bödeker, H.U., A.W. Liehr, M.C. Röttger, T.D. Frank, R. Friedrich, H.-G. Purwins
    New J. Phys. 6, 62 (2004)
  111. The Formation of Voronoi Diagrams in Chemical and Physical Systems: Experimental Findings and Theoretical Models
    De Lacy Costello, B., A. Adamatzky, N. Ratcliffe, A.L. Zanin, A.W. Liehr, H.-G. Purwins
    Int. J. Bif. Chaos. 14 (7), 2187 (2004)
  112. Rotating hexagonal pattern in a dielectric barrier discharge system
    Zanin A.L., E.L. Gurevich, A.S. Moskalenko, H.U. Bödeker, H.-G. Purwins
    Physical Review E 70, 036202-1 (2004)
  113. Drift Bifurcation of Dissipative Solitons due to a Change of Shape: Experiment and Theory
    Gurevich, S.V., H.U. Bödeker, A.S. Moskalenko, A.W. Liehr, H.-G. Purwins
    Physica D 199, 115 (2004)
  114. Pattern Formation in Planar Gas-Discharge Systems
    Purwins, H.-G., H.U. Bödeker, A.W. Liehr
    8th Experimental Chaos Conference Florence 2004
    AIP Conference Proceedings, S. Boccaletti, B.J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L.M. Pecora, O. Yordanov (eds.), 742, 289 (2005)
  115. Pattern Formation in Planar DC-Driven Semiconductor-Gas Discharge Devices: two Mechanisms
    Gurevich E.L., Yu.A. Astrov, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Phys. D 38, 468 (2005)
  116. Current Spots in an obstructed Planar Glow Discharge
    Gurevich E.L., Sh. Amiranashvili, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Phys. D 38, 1029 (2005)
  117. Drift Bifurcation of Dissipative Solitons in Barrier Gas Discharge
    Stollenwerk L., H.-G. Purwins
    Europhys. Lett. 70, 22 (2005)
  118. Dissipative Solitons in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
    Purwins, H.-G., H.U. Bödeker, A.W. Liehr
    in: N. Akhmediev, A. Ankiewicz (eds.) Dissipative Solitons
    Lectures Notes in Physics, Springer (2005)
  119. Ionization Fronts in Planar DC Discharge Systems with High-Ohmic Electrode
    Amiranashvili Sh., S. Gurevich, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 71, 066404-1 (2005)
  120. Micro Capillary Plate as a Built in intensifier for Semiconductor Gas Discharge Image Converter
    Portsel L.M., V.M. Marchenko, H.-G. Purwins
    J. Appl. Phys. 97, 76101-1 (2005)
  121. Experimental Study of Spatial Resolution of a Semiconductor-Gas Discharge Infrared Image Converter
    Portsel L.M., V.M. Marchenko, S. Matern, H.-G. Purwins
    Appl. Phys. B 81,1009 (2005)
  122. Self-Sustained Oscillations of Low Current Electrical Discharge with a Semiconductor
    Gurevich E.L., Yu.P. Raizer, H.-G. Purwins
    Techn. Phys., 51, 180 (2006)
  123. Measurement and 3D Simulation of Self-Organized Filaments in a Barrier Discharge
    Stollenwerk L., Sh. Amiranashvili, J.-P. Boeuf, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 255001-1 (2006)
  124. Spontaneous Division of Dissipative Solitons in a Planar Gas-Discharge System with High Ohmic Electrodes
    Astrov Yu.A., H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Lett. A 358, 404 (2006)
  125. Forced Random Walks with Memory in a Glow Mode Dielectric Barrier Discharge
    Stollenwerk L., Sh. Amiranashvili, H.-G. Purwins
    N. J. Phys 8, 217 (2006)
  126. Breathing Dissipative Solitons in Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion System
    Gurevich S.V., Sh. Amiranashvili, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys. Rev. E 74, 066201-1 (2006)
  127. Selbstorganisierte Strukturen im Strom
    Purwins, H.-G., Sh. Amiranashvili
    Phys. J. 6, 21 (2007)
  128. Transition from Bright to Dark Dissipative Solitons in Dielectric Barrier Gas-Discharge
    Stollenwerk L., S.V. Gurevich, J.G. Laven, H.-G. Purwins
    Eur.Phys.J. 42, 273 (2007)
  129. Formation and Stabilization of Single Current Filaments in Planar DBD
    Stollenwerk L., Sh. Amiranashvili, J.-P. Boeuf, H.-G. Purwins
    Eur.Phys.J. D 44, 133 (2007)
  130. Spatially Resolved Surface-Charge Measurement in a Planar Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Sytem
    Stollenwerk L., J.G. Larven, H.-G. Purwins
    Phys.Rev.Lett 98, 255001-1 (2007)
  131. Self-Organized Patterns in Gas-Discharge: Particle-Like Behaviour and Dissipative Solitons
    Purwins H.-G
    AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 993. p. 67-74
    Eds. H.-J. Hartfuss, , M. Dudeck, J. Musieleok, J. Sadowsky
    Melville, New York, 2008
  132. Stochastic dynamics of dissipative solitons in gas-discharge systems
    Bödeker H. U., T.D. Frank, R. Friedrich, H.-G. Purwins
    in “Anomalous Fluctuation Phenomena in Complex Systems: Plasmas, Fluids, and Financial Markets”
    Editors: C. Riccardi, H. E. Roman
    Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2008
  133. Dissipative Solitons
    Purwins H.-G., H. U. Bödeker, Sh. Amiranashvili
    Advances in Physics 59, 485-701 (2010)
  134. Self-Organized Patterns in Low Temperature AC Gas-discharge
    Purwins H.-G.
    submitted for publication in:
    IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science, Special Issue – Images in Plasma Science 2011
  135. Self-Organized Patterns in Planar Low Temperature DC Gas-Discharge
    Purwins H.-G., J. Berkemeier
    submitted for publication in:
    IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science, Special Issue – Images in Plasma Science 2011
  136. Self-organized patterns in low temperature dc gas-discharge
    Purwins H.-G., L. Stollenwerk
    submitted for publication in:
    Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion


  1. Lernverfahren für ein selbstorganisierendes Neuronales Netzwerk sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens
    Ruwisch D., D. Schweng, M. Bode, H.-G. Purwins
    Deutsches Patentamt München, Nr. DE 44 32 269.C2 (1995)
  2. Lernverfahren für selbstorganisierende Neuronale Netzwerke und Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens
    Ruwisch, D., T. von der Mehden, M. Bode, and H.-G. Purwins
    Deutsches Patentamt München, Nr. 196 41 286.C1 (1997)
  3. Verfahren zur qualitativen Bestimmung der Anteile verschiedenartiger Stoffe zu Schuttgütern
    Leppelmann. S, M. Bode, A. Burwick, C. Cruse, D. Schweng, H.-G. Purwins
    Deutsches Patentamt München, Nr. 19720121 (1999)


  1. Self-Organization in Activator-Inhibitor-Systems: Semiconductors, Gas-Discharge and Chemical Active Media
    Edited by H. Engel, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-G. Purwins and E. Schöll
    Wissenschaft & Technik Verlag, Berlin, 1996

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